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*Available on Kindle,

Barnes, Barry  We Sleep In a Burning House: Poems  $12. Lawrence musician and performance poet’s critique of African American experience

Caraza, Xánath  Conjuro  (English, Spanish, Nahuatl), poems  $18. Trilingual, award winning book of a Nahuatl-Mexican writer, from Aztec heritage to urban and global settings. Translated by Sandra Kingery.

Caraza, Xánath  Silabas de viento / Syllables of Wind   (English and Spanish), poems  $18. Trans. Sandra Kingery. Introducción by  Carlos  J. Aldazábal. Caraza’s second full-length collection of verse establishes her as a premiere author of both Spanish and English verse. A native of Xalapa and resident of Kansas City, Caraza gives testimony to the powerful transformative experience of global identity.

Field, Greg  Black Heart: Poems, $15. Musical, heart-rending lyrics by a Potawatomi mixed-heritage jazz drummer. Field is multi-talented, a poet’s poet and a musician’s musician.

Glancy, Diane  *Now It Is Snowing Inside a Psalm, prose $12. Award-winning writer’s reflections on the meanings of the Psalms.

Glancy, Diane  Stories of the Driven World: Poems $14. Award-winning writer’s extended critique of ethnologists’ use of Native soft and hard cultures.

Glancy, Diane  It Was Then: Diagram of the Elemental, poems $12. Award-winning writer and filmmaker’s Kansas City and area memories of poverty, stockyards, Cherokee father, survival.

Goldberg, Caryn Mirriam  Landed: Poems, $15. Collection of inspired verse by 3rd Ks. Poet Laureate          

Goldberg, Caryn Mirriam, ed. To the Stars: A Ks. Renga in 150 Voices, $18. Poet laureate project includes nearly 150 poets with ties to Kansas, all poems interlocking in the tradition of a Japanese renga. Kansas Notable Bk.

Hill, DaMaris B.  \Vi-ze-bel \ Teks-chers\ (Visible Textures) , poems. $10.00. Chapbook, 24 pages, 2015. 978-1-939301-73-4 The poems are inspired by GPS technologies. The series contrasts details and physical spaces associated with an 1854 Indian Reservation map of Kansas and a 2013 highway map of Kansas. Some poems detail territories allocated to Indigenous American Nations. Cover art and interior illustration by Thomas Pecore Weso

Holden, Jonathan *Glamour, poems $12 . Responses to art, mathematics, news—by 1st poet laureate of Kansas             

Lajimodiere, Denise Bitter Tears, $12. chapbook, 36 pp., 2016. Ojibwa writer’s verse about boarding school experiences                                        

Low, Denise, ed. To the Stars: Ks. Poets of the Ad Astra Project, $12. Published with Washburn University’s Center for Kansas Studies and distributed by Mammoth, this is the 2nd Ks. poet laureate project. Ks. Notable Bk.

Meats, Stephen  Dark Dove Descending: Parables, Fiction & Poetry $12. Great Plains narratives and memories that could be true.

Meats, Stephen  Looking for the Pale Eagle (1993) 2nd ed., 2014, $12. Reprint expands the best-selling original with interviews, more. Lyrical responses to devastatingly beautiful landscape and its inhabiatants.

Milk, Theresa  *Haskell Institute: 19th C. Stories of Survival $20. This historic work is a doctoral dissertation for the University of Kansas, by a Lakota writer who is a Haskell alumna.   

Myers, Lana Wirt  Prairie Rhythms: Life and Poetry of May Williams Ward, biography with poetry $14 This innovative prose book includes Ward’s poetry and etchings as well as careful research. Ward published in Harpers and other national journals, taught workshops, and inspired William Allen White. Ks. Notable Bk

Puckett, Caleb  Fate Lines / Desire Lines, poems and prose $15. Puckett designs poetic forms, re-inventing traditional and giving new life to prose poems. He edits Futures Trading and Nimrod International (poetry asst.)

Rieke, Susan Ireland’s Weather, $10. Chapbook of poetry.  978-1-939301-77-2. The poet mixes all the mythic beauty of Ireland with clear-eyed observations. Contemporary sights mingle with ageless natural wonders. Even a commonplace experience like dawn becomes extraordinary as  the poet notices how “the sun tilts with a side grin.”  

Rodriguez, Linda     Dark Sister: Poems $16.  Acclaimed author of award-winning Skeet Bannion Cherokee detective series tells lyrical stories of her and her family’s experience of Cherokee and borderlands western history. She entertains as a storyteller and moves readers to joy and tears.

Schultz, Elizabeth  *White-Skin Deer: Hoopa Stories $12. 1950s era elders’ stories, retold by a first-hand witness.

Sheldon, William  Rain Comes Riding: Poems $12. Storyteller relays insights into Great Plains, human nature.

Shuck, Kim. Whose Water: Poems $10. Poet Laureate of San Francisco, enrolled Cherokee, writes a stunning long poem about her journey across the United States, what becomes a personal migration along its waterways.

Tambornino, Pamela Dawes  *Maggie’s Story: Teachings of a Cherokee Healer  $14, hardcover $24. Enrolled Cherokee writers shares humorous and tragic memories from Red Earth country.

Two-Rivers, E. Donald  Fat Cats, Powwows: Poems (2003) Rpt. 2nd edition 2009 $12. Poetry with biography, bibliography. Anishinaabe (Ojibwa) activist and writer, his only collection of poetry in print

Wagner, Maryfrances. Dioramas, poetry. $15. 2015 978-1-939301-74-1 Maryfrances Wagner reinvents the process of memory as she guides readers through living tableaux of her past. Her views of Italian American life in the heartland annotates a rich cultural heritage. 

Weso, Thomas Pecore *Wisconsin Indigenous News 1865-1930 (Kindle only)$6. Menominee historian collects historic newspaper articles about northeast Wisconsin Menominee, Oneida, and Ojibwa experience. Kindle only.

Weso, Tom & Denise Low Langston Hughes in Lawrence: Photos & Biographical Resources $12, hardcover $22. Publishers of Mammoth project about hometown hero Langston Hughes. 35 photos.

Willie, Diane Sharp Rocks. Short fiction set in the Southwest with contemporary expressions of mythic times, including La Llorona, sisters who survive the Navajo Long Walk, and more. $10 chapbook. Original color print by the author.

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