Monthly Archives: October 2014


fhff mammoth bizzHelp Mammoth stay afloat! Half price Mammoth books from Oct. 21-31. Cash flow problems for this indie press are dire, and we need help to keep going. Donate! Buy any book half price!  (plus shipping)! We have great plans for next year, and we want to be able to fund them. Our fine nationally known and local authors include 3 Kansas poets laureate, Native American and African American writers, international prize winners, Mid-Plains writers, and more. This year we have published Xanath Caraza, Stephen Meats, Caleb Puckett, Greg Field, and Robert Day. Please buy through our website or We accept PenPal at our email address. Please buy directly through Mammoth–many online retailers take a 55% cut of retail and pay no shipping, printing, or other costs. We’ve been going over 10 years, and we want to keep publishing! THANKS!