TOM WESO, illustrator, Runaway Pony

Collector’s item: 11 full-color illustrations by Thomas Pecore Weso (author of Good Seeds) in a limited edition chapbook, with RunawayPonycvrpoems by nationally acclaimed poets. Online discount price $12. The chapbook is 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches, 24 pages, staplebound. ISBN 978-1-939301-97-0 PayPal available or check to Mammoth Publications, 1916 Stratford Rd., Lawrence KS 66044btn_buynow_LGPoems about the artworks are by James Benger, Julianne Buchsbaum (National Poetry Series 2012), Xanath Caraza (Mariposa Award), Kevin Cummings, Diane Glancy (NEA), Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg (3rd Ks. poet laureate), Damaris B. Hill, Silvia Kofler, Denise Low (2nd Ks. poet laureate). Thank you to Serina Allison Hearn for supporting this project.